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实验室管理员 Science Lab Technician
7000-11000元 杭州萧山区 应届毕业生 本科
杭州市萧山区惠立学校 2024-05-08 14:12:04
实验室管理员 Science Lab Technician
7000-11000元 杭州萧山区 应届毕业生 本科
杭州市萧山区惠立学校 2024-05-08 14:12:04
学校简介: 英国惠灵顿公学(Wellington College)于1859年为纪念大不列颠最伟大的军事家并两度任英国首相的惠灵顿公爵而建立。2017年1月11日上午,英国惠灵顿公学正式签约入驻杭州,这是惠灵顿公学在中国继天津、上海之后开设的第三个分校区。 惠灵顿中国杭州校区座落于杭州萧山科技城的国际教育园,包括杭州市萧山区惠立学校和杭州外籍人员子女学校。学校有一套完善的幸福关怀体系贯穿各个学段,为学生提供全人教育,致力于培养具备优质综合才能的惠立学生,使其能适应日新月异的世界并茁壮成长。。 工作职责: 英国惠灵顿杭州校区现需一名科学实验室管理员,主要负责惠立双语学校实验室管理工作,实验课材料准备,课后整理,实验材料申报,信息记录,实验室安全管理等。详见下方英文介绍。 岗位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,环境工程,化学,物理,生物科学等专业者优先; 2. 英文流利,了解专业用词; 3. 三年及以上相关经验者优先; 福利待遇: 1. 全薪中外节假日、寒暑假;双休,不调休; 2. 五险一金,额外商业医保; 3. 年度体检,节假日福利; 4. 免费员工班车及工作日午餐等; 5. 国际化工作环境,扁平化管理; Department - Non-academic Supervisor - Science Teacher OBJECTIVES The Science Lab Technician will provide laboratory support to staff and students in the Department of Science. He/ She will be expected to participate in research projects in Science as directed by the Head of Sciences/Science Teachers; laboratory preparation and clean-up; some preparation and supervision of undergraduate lab experiments. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: - Ensure laboratory safety; - Order consumables and field equipment; deal with requisitions and received items; - Maintain accurate records of open accounts and budget information; - Organize and maintain stockrooms; inventory and storage of chemicals and other laboratory supplies and equipment to ensure adequate stocks for laboratory experiments; - Prepare and standardize solutions and other laboratory materials; - Calibrate and make minor repairs and modifications to equipment; - Set up lab equipment and materials used in practicals and experiments; - Collect, store and properly coordinate the disposal of biohazardous and chemical waste, as required; Instruct and supervise student lab experiments. JOB QUALIFICATIONS Education: Bachelor’s degree in Environmental/Biological/Chemical Science oriented areas; Language: Strong communication skills in English Working Experience: A minimum of 3 years working experience in related areas

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